“We See Ourselves as Providing a Life Jacket in a Deluge of Information.”

The longlist of the getAbstract International Book Award 2021 is here!

“We See Ourselves as Providing a Life Jacket in a Deluge of Information.”

The longlist of the getAbstract International Book Award 2021 is here!

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
2 min.
Reading time for this article is about 2 minutes.
Researched Abstracts
0 We have curated the most actionable insights from one summary for this feature.
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This 4 min. read saves you up to 81 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 16 getAbstract summaries (15 books with a total of 4045 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 4850 minutes (about 81 hours). Learn more.

How to Reduce Complexity

We often make complex things even more difficult by the way we deal with them. Here’s how to change that.

How to Reduce Complexity

There is a lot of talk these days about the increasing complexity of the world. But the real problem is our way of dealing with this complexity: We often make complex things even more difficult by the way we handle them. Here’s how to change that.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
4 min.
Reading time for this article is about 4 minutes.
Saved Time
81 h
This article saves you up to 81 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
16 We have curated the most actionable insights from 16 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Article
15 We read and summarized 15 books with 4045 pages for this article.
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This 5 min. read saves you up to 20 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 992 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1186 minutes (about 20 hours). Learn more.

How to Maximize Your Time, Creativity and Performance at Work

Work-life balance sounds like a lot, but it makes little sense. Here’s what you should strive for and practice instead.

How to Maximize Your Time, Creativity and Performance at Work

Work-life balance sounds like a lot, but it makes little sense. Here’s what you should strive for and practice instead.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
5 min.
Reading time for this article is about 5 minutes.
Saved Time
20 h
This article saves you up to 20 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
4 We have curated the most actionable insights from 4 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Article
3 We read and summarized 3 books with 992 pages for this article.
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This 8 min. read saves you up to 49 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (7 books with a total of 2425 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2902 minutes (about 49 hours). Learn more.

Lessons from the “Einstein of Management”

How Peter F. Drucker revolutionized the making of leaders.

Lessons from the “Einstein of Management”
Peter Drucker, photo by Jeff McNeill (Wikimedia Commons)

How Peter F. Drucker revolutionized the making of leaders. And what managers and their employees can learn from the revolution today.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
8 min.
Reading time for this article is about 8 minutes.
Saved Time
49 h
This article saves you up to 49 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
7 We have curated the most actionable insights from 7 summaries for this feature.
7 We read and summarized 7 books with 2425 pages for this article.
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This 21 min. read saves you up to 15 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 720 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 843 minutes (about 15 hours). Learn more.

“Good Requires Motivation, Great Requires Obsession.”

Robert Bruce Shaw, author of All In, talks about the obsessions of some of the world’s most successful leaders, and the companies they built from those obsessions.

“Good Requires Motivation, Great Requires Obsession.”

Robert Bruce Shaw, author of All In: How Obsessive Leaders Achieve the Extraordinary, talks about the obsessions of some of the world’s most successful leaders, and the companies they built from those obsessions.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
21 min.
Reading time for this article is about 21 minutes.
Saved Time
15 h
This article saves you up to 15 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
3 We have curated the most actionable insights from 3 summaries for this feature.
3 We read and summarized 3 books with 720 pages for this article.
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This 12 min. read saves you up to 131 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 28 getAbstract summaries (25 books with a total of 6537 pages and 3 videos) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 7833 minutes (about 131 hours). Learn more.

How to Lead with Emotional Intelligence

Convey calm amidst disruption, foster inclusiveness and bring out the best in people.

How to Lead with Emotional Intelligence

Convey calm amidst disruption, foster inclusiveness and bring out the best in people by growing your emotional competence.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
12 min.
Reading time for this article is about 12 minutes.
Saved Time
131 h
This article saves you up to 131 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
28 We have curated the most actionable insights from 28 summaries for this feature.
3 3 Videos
25 We read and summarized 25 books with 6537 pages for this article.
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This 4 min. read saves you up to 5 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 226 pages, 2 videos and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 268 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.

Is Our Desire to Be the Best More Important than Our Mental Health?

The world witnessed one of the most courageous acts of vulnerability in Olympic sports, and we should all take note. 

Is Our Desire to Be the Best More Important than Our Mental Health?

The world witnessed one of the most courageous acts of vulnerability in Olympic sports, and we should all take note. 

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
4 min.
Reading time for this article is about 4 minutes.
Saved Time
5 h
This article saves you up to 5 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
4 We have curated the most actionable insights from 4 summaries for this feature.
2 2 Videos
1 1 Podcast
1 We read and summarized one book with 226 pages for this article.
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This 7 min. read saves you up to 40 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 9 getAbstract summaries (8 books with a total of 1993 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2385 minutes (about 40 hours). Learn more.

Top-Performance Advice from the Best of the Best

A roundup of leadership advice from Olympic athletes

Top-Performance Advice from the Best of the Best

A roundup of leadership advice from Olympic athletes

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
7 min.
Reading time for this article is about 7 minutes.
Saved Time
40 h
This article saves you up to 40 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
9 We have curated the most actionable insights from 9 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Article
8 We read and summarized 8 books with 1993 pages for this article.
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This 9 min. read saves you up to 37 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 14 getAbstract summaries (7 books with a total of 1840 pages and 7 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2199 minutes (about 37 hours). Learn more.

Great Expeditions

Managing organization-wide change is daunting but the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Great Expeditions

Managing organization-wide change is daunting but the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
9 min.
Reading time for this article is about 9 minutes.
Saved Time
37 h
This article saves you up to 37 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
14 We have curated the most actionable insights from 14 summaries for this feature.
7 7 Articles
7 We read and summarized 7 books with 1840 pages for this article.
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This 18 min. read saves you up to 6 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 304 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 347 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.

“Burnout Is Insidious: It Sneaks Up on You, Gradually Gnawing Away at You Over Time.”

Jacinta Jiménez, author of The Burnout Fix, on prevention, treatment and reintegration in case of burnout – a topic that still too few people talk about or act on.

“Burnout Is Insidious: It Sneaks Up on You, Gradually Gnawing Away at You Over Time.”

Jacinta Jiménez, author of The Burnout Fix, on prevention, treatment and reintegration in case of burnout – a topic that still too few people talk about or act on.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
18 min.
Reading time for this article is about 18 minutes.
Saved Time
6 h
This article saves you up to 6 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
1 We have curated the most actionable insights from one summary for this feature.
1 We read and summarized one book with 304 pages for this article.
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