For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 13 getAbstract summaries (9 books with a total of 2441 pages, one article and 3 videos) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2923 minutes (about 49 hours). Learn more.
Coaching for Emotional Intelligence
Does your technically proficient employee fall short on people skills? Coaching can help.
Does your technically proficient employee fall short on people skills? Coaching can help.
Caryn Hunt
Caryn Hunt is a writer and editor at getAbstract.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 7 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 49 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 13 summaries for this feature.
3 Videos
1 Article
We read and summarized 9 books with 2441 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 5 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 770 pages and 2 podcasts) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 919 minutes (about 16 hours). Learn more.
How to Use Questions as a Coaching Tool
Nudge people toward finding their own answers.
Effective coaching has little to do with dishing out advice. It’s more about nudging people toward finding their own answers.
Sara Küpfer
Sara Küpfer is a staff writer for getAbstract in Lucerne, Switzerland.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 5 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 16 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 5 summaries for this feature.
2 Podcasts
We read and summarized 3 books with 770 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 334 pages and 5 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 393 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
Guy Winch
On emotional first aid and sustained psychological health.
On emotional first aid and sustained psychological health.
Sara Küpfer
Sara Küpfer is a staff writer for getAbstract in Lucerne, Switzerland.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 8 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 7 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 7 summaries for this feature.
5 Articles
We read and summarized 2 books with 334 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 9 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 1143 pages, 3 articles and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1366 minutes (about 23 hours). Learn more.
Three Women Leaders of Labor
Mother Jones, Dolores Huerta and Ai-Jen Poo shaped the labor movement in different eras.
Mother Jones, Dolores Huerta and Ai-Jen Poo shaped the labor movement in different eras.
Caryn Hunt
Caryn Hunt is a writer and editor at getAbstract.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 6 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 23 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 9 summaries for this feature.
1 Video
3 Articles
We read and summarized 3 books with 1143 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 17 getAbstract summaries (4 books with a total of 1389 pages, 10 articles and 2 videos) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1657 minutes (about 28 hours). Learn more.
Let the Sunshine In
Solar power is the workhorse renewable leading the transition to clean energy.
Solar power is the workhorse renewable leading the transition to clean energy.
Caryn Hunt
Caryn Hunt is a writer and editor at getAbstract.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 10 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 28 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 17 summaries for this feature.
2 Videos
10 Articles
We read and summarized 4 books with 1389 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 30 getAbstract summaries (22 books with a total of 7070 pages, 6 articles and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 8471 minutes (about 142 hours). Learn more.
Horrible News and How to Deal with It
Humankind cannot complain about a lack of bad news in recent years. Here you can learn how to deal with media-induced anxieties as they arise – or how to prevent those worries in the first place.
Humankind cannot complain about a lack of bad news in recent years. Here you can learn how to deal with media-induced anxieties as they arise – or how to prevent those worries in the first place.
Michael Wiederstein
Michael Wiederstein is an Executive Editor at getAbstract.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 13 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 142 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 30 summaries for this feature.
1 Video
6 Articles
We read and summarized 22 books with 7070 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 22 getAbstract summaries (21 books with a total of 5436 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 6514 minutes (about 109 hours). Learn more.
Tell Them a Story They Can’t Resist
Talk to your customers, your employees and yourself in the brain’s native language.
Talk to your customers, your employees and yourself in the brain’s native language.
Caryn Hunt
Caryn Hunt is a writer and editor at getAbstract.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 10 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 109 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 22 summaries for this feature.
1 Article
We read and summarized 21 books with 5436 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 8 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 2419 pages and 2 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2895 minutes (about 49 hours). Learn more.
Does Reality Exist?
Or is our perception just an illusion? In any case, with the rise of virtual or mixed realities, we need to rethink our understanding of how we see the world.
Or is our perception just an illusion? In any case, with the rise of virtual or mixed realities, we need to rethink our understanding of how we see the world.
Peter Rudin
Peter Rudin is the initiator of With a background in Engineering (Dipl. Ing. ETH) and Industrial Psychology (I.E. Columbia University N.Y.), Peter can look back to a long successful career as entrepreneur and board member, particularly in visionary start-up settings.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 8 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 49 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 8 summaries for this feature.
2 Articles
We read and summarized 6 books with 2419 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 394 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 470 minutes (about 8 hours). Learn more.
Emotional Leadership Versus Virtual Distance
A few tricks can work wonders when it comes to virtual leadership.
Many getAbstract customers currently report that their own employees are coping well with the new hybrid work situation. But what continues to cause problems is virtual leadership. A few tricks can work wonders here.
Jacqueline Matter
Jacqueline Matter is Head of Client Services EMEA at getAbstract.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 3 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 8 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 3 summaries for this feature.
We read and summarized 3 books with 394 pages for this article.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 240 pages and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 286 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
The Future Is Hybrid
When it comes to office work arrangements, the genie is out of the bottle.
When it comes to office work arrangements, the genie is out of the bottle.
Sara Küpfer
Sara Küpfer is a staff writer for getAbstract in Lucerne, Switzerland.
How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
Reading time for this article is about 2 minutes.
Saved Time
This article saves you up to 5 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
We have curated the most actionable insights from 2 summaries for this feature.
1 Podcast
We read and summarized one book with 240 pages for this article.
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