This 7 min. read saves you up to 29 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 8 getAbstract summaries (5 books with a total of 1437 pages, 2 articles and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1718 minutes (about 29 hours). Learn more.

Learning Myths Debunked

No, putting that textbook under your pillow while you sleep won’t make you smarter. 

Learning Myths Debunked

No, putting that textbook under your pillow while you sleep won’t make you smarter. 

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
7 min.
Reading time for this article is about 7 minutes.
Saved Time
29 h
This article saves you up to 29 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
8 We have curated the most actionable insights from 8 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Video
2 2 Articles
5 We read and summarized 5 books with 1437 pages for this article.
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This 5 min. read saves you up to 26 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 1266 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1515 minutes (about 26 hours). Learn more.

You’ve Got a “Noise” Problem and You Don’t Even Know It

getAbstract International Book Award 2021: Turn down the volume with some good old-fashioned methodical thinking.

You’ve Got a “Noise” Problem and You Don’t Even Know It

getAbstract International Book Award 2021: Turn down the volume with some good old-fashioned methodical thinking.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
5 min.
Reading time for this article is about 5 minutes.
Saved Time
26 h
This article saves you up to 26 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
4 We have curated the most actionable insights from 4 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Article
3 We read and summarized 3 books with 1266 pages for this article.
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This 3 min. read saves you up to 7 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 304 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 362 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.

A Book You Can’t Open Too Early – Make Sure You Don’t Open It Too Late

Why The Burnout Fix by Jacinta M. Jiménez is the legitimate winner of the 2021 Readers’ Choice Award.

A Book You Can’t Open Too Early – Make Sure You Don’t Open It Too Late

Do you regularly suffer from back pain or muscle tension at work? It might not be your latest, overambitious workout that caused it, but work itself – the unhealthy, unsustainable way you do and perceive it. Learn everything you need to know about this topic in The Burnout Fix by Jacinta M. Jiménez, winner of the 2021 Readers’ Choice Award.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
3 min.
Reading time for this article is about 3 minutes.
Saved Time
7 h
This article saves you up to 7 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
1 We have curated the most actionable insights from one summary for this feature.
1 We read and summarized one book with 304 pages for this article.
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This 2 min. read saves you up to 10 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 464 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 555 minutes (about 10 hours). Learn more.

Groundbreaking Research and Advice

With Noise, Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein have published a book that will improve your decision-making processes forever.

Groundbreaking Research and Advice

With Noise, Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein have published a book that will improve your decision-making processes forever.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
2 min.
Reading time for this article is about 2 minutes.
Saved Time
10 h
This article saves you up to 10 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
1 We have curated the most actionable insights from one summary for this feature.
1 We read and summarized one book with 464 pages for this article.
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This 9 min. read saves you up to 80 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 22 getAbstract summaries (17 books with a total of 4007 pages, 4 articles and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 4800 minutes (about 80 hours). Learn more.

Making Sense of Agile

Let’s take a deep dive into an overused buzzword.

Making Sense of Agile

Let’s take a deep dive into an overused buzzword.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
9 min.
Reading time for this article is about 9 minutes.
Saved Time
80 h
This article saves you up to 80 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
22 We have curated the most actionable insights from 22 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Podcast
4 4 Articles
17 We read and summarized 17 books with 4007 pages for this article.
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This 5 min. read saves you up to 68 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 17 getAbstract summaries (13 books with a total of 3384 pages, one article, 2 videos and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 4056 minutes (about 68 hours). Learn more.

Creativity Is a Journey, Not a Destination

A Reading List to Get the Creative Juices Flowing

Creativity Is a Journey, Not a Destination

A Reading List to Get the Creative Juices Flowing

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
5 min.
Reading time for this article is about 5 minutes.
Saved Time
68 h
This article saves you up to 68 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
17 We have curated the most actionable insights from 17 summaries for this feature.
2 2 Videos
1 1 Podcast
1 1 Article
13 We read and summarized 13 books with 3384 pages for this article.
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This 7 min. read saves you up to 22 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 11 getAbstract summaries (4 books with a total of 1103 pages, 5 articles and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1317 minutes (about 22 hours). Learn more.

The Reality Metaverse

Virtual and augmented reality technologies increasingly blur the lines between the physical and digital realms.

The Reality Metaverse

Virtual and augmented reality technologies increasingly blur the lines between the physical and digital realms.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
7 min.
Reading time for this article is about 7 minutes.
Saved Time
22 h
This article saves you up to 22 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
11 We have curated the most actionable insights from 11 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Podcast
5 5 Articles
4 We read and summarized 4 books with 1103 pages for this article.
1 1 Report
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This 4 min. read saves you up to 10 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 456 pages and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 544 minutes (about 10 hours). Learn more.

Second Global L&D Knowledge Forum Wrap-Up

Didn’t have time to attend? We have the key take-aways summed up for you.

Second Global L&D Knowledge Forum Wrap-Up

Didn’t have time to attend? We have the key take-aways summed up for you.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
4 min.
Reading time for this article is about 4 minutes.
Saved Time
10 h
This article saves you up to 10 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
3 We have curated the most actionable insights from 3 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Podcast
2 We read and summarized 2 books with 456 pages for this article.
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This 11 min. read saves you up to 49 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 14 getAbstract summaries (9 books with a total of 2420 pages, 3 articles and 2 podcasts) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2893 minutes (about 49 hours). Learn more.

Bottom Line

How to recognize when it’s time to quit – and how to make your exit in style.

Bottom Line

How to recognize when it’s time to quit – and how to make your exit in style.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
11 min.
Reading time for this article is about 11 minutes.
Saved Time
49 h
This article saves you up to 49 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
14 We have curated the most actionable insights from 14 summaries for this feature.
2 2 Podcasts
3 3 Articles
9 We read and summarized 9 books with 2420 pages for this article.
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This 7 min. read saves you up to 30 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 14 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 1480 pages, 3 articles, one video and 4 podcasts) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1769 minutes (about 30 hours). Learn more.

America’s Got Talent

A wave of cancellations is rolling towards US organizations: According to recent surveys, 55% of American employees plan to quit their jobs in the next 12 months. Here’s how to keep the best ones now – and steal the even better ones away from others.

America’s Got Talent

A wave of cancellations is rolling towards US organizations: According to recent surveys, 55% of American employees plan to quit their jobs in the next 12 months. Here’s how to keep the best ones now – and steal the even better ones away from others.

How the Journal Saves You Time
Reading Time
7 min.
Reading time for this article is about 7 minutes.
Saved Time
30 h
This article saves you up to 30 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
14 We have curated the most actionable insights from 14 summaries for this feature.
1 1 Video
4 4 Podcasts
3 3 Articles
6 We read and summarized 6 books with 1480 pages for this article.
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