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Trends Outlook

2022 is here, and so is our trends outlook for the new year. Some of what we saw in 2021 continues – but other, new trends rapidly gain importance.

Trends Outlook

Of course, political and COVID-19-induced issues have dominated our discussions and actions last year, and in the new year, both will continue to occupy us: The pandemic is not over yet. Of particular importance, however, are new topics that will be added to this challenge, and will therefore pose extra challenges to organizations and companies.

We have already described some of the biggest of these in our “The 9 Megatrends That Will Boost Your Organization’s Legs” article:

Here, we address some pressing sub-topics and provide you with compressed knowledge from our library to help you prepare.

1. Talent Crunch and Employee Retention

What we announced for the future in an article just a few weeks ago is already turning into reality: According to Forbes, no less than 54% of companies globally report talent shortages – this is the highest in over a decade. In the United States, the situation is even worse: 69% of employers are currently struggling to find the talent needed to fill open positions, up from just 14% 10 years ago.

Attracting and retaining talent might have never been as challenging as today.

The causes for this talent crunch are that many people are currently changing jobs (you want to know how to do that in style?) because the timing is good for them: Many interesting companies are headhunting the best people through strategic recruiting faster than any employer can count to three – and this time, even demographics, which have been disadvantageous in recent decades, is playing into their cards: There are less and less active people in the workforce.

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Image of: Older and Smaller
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Older and Smaller

Aging populations and plunging birthrates threaten the world’s economies. So what’s the solution?

Benedict Clements, Kamil Dybczak and Mauricio Soto Finance & Development
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What are other current trends around the talent crunch you can apply? On the one hand, many employees at their previous organization lacked perspective (that can be changed!) or safety (same here); on the other hand, as the pandemic winds down, many simply see the time has come to do something completely different (which will be anything but unusual from now on!) – or have been preparing for their transition for a long time (Keyword: job crafting).

Related Summaries in getAbstract’s Library
Image of: Predictive HR Analytics
Book Summary

Predictive HR Analytics

This analytics tome can turn the most numbers-shy HR professional into a competent data analyst.

Kirsten Edwards and Dr. Martin Edwards Kogan Page Read Summary
Image of: Redefining HR
Book Summary

Redefining HR

Learn how to build a progressive, empathetic company culture with cutting-edge HR initiatives.

Lars Schmidt Kogan Page Read Summary

So, no matter whether you are still in the process of setting the course for the future (we should all negotiate more and better!), or whether you are still finding out what will even be in demand tomorrow (this): Better be prepared – on both sides of the negotiating table.

Image of: Talent Management

Talent Management

To keep the best employees, you have to be the best manager: how to recruit, hire, retrain and nurture the cream of the…

Open Channel

2. Hybrid Work

There was no topic we tackled more last year than this one. The Cisco Hybrid Work Index reveals why: 64% of respondents on the topic said, for example, that the ability to work from home determines whether they keep a job or accept a new one. On the other hand:

Leaders who stay close and are proximate to their team members will understand the individual circumstances and preferences of each person, allowing for curated hybrid configurations that will play to individual strengths while also being attentive to the employee’s well-being.

Cisco Hybrid Work Index 2021
Image of: Suddenly Virtual
Book Summary

Suddenly Virtual

Remote meetings require fresh skills and expertise.

Joseph Allen and Karin Reed Wiley
Read Summary

Having this evidence means no one can sit back and watch in 2022 (see point 5 below) – but for now, please find everything you need to know about the topic on getAbstract here and here:

And, well, here, here, here and here. Maybe take a look at our overview page on Hybrid Work, to make sure you didn’t miss a post.

Image of: Hybrid Workplace

Hybrid Workplace

After the pandemic, there won’t just be the office and the home office – but everything in between. Learn how to support productivity,…

Open Channel

3. Autonomous Technologies and Total Connectivity

For how many years now have people been telling you that this is going to be the next big thing? It is! It’s been big for a long time – and it’s getting bigger all the time, including 2022. Why? Because, for example, Mercedes-Benz now has road approval for their new self-driving S-Class even in Germany, the land of bureaucracy, because the bitcoin price keeps rising, and because smart cities with nationwide 5G mobile networks are finally taking off.

And you know what we especially love? Our entertainingly funny yet deadly serious column “How (Not) to Compete with a Robot.” Because that’s what you, as a human being, shouldn’t lose sight of amid all the fuss.

Image of: Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

You’ve used the same traditional and established workflows your entire career. They’re trustworthy and have proven useful to your company. So, why should…

Open Channel

4. Decarbonization

The fact that this topic has made it to the top of the list of world problems to be tackled actually says it all about the great necessity: This is about securing our world of tomorrow. The international target is currently to save 50% of CO₂ emissions by 2030 (yes, we still have eight years) and to implement a net-zero economy by 2050. Unfortunately, not all countries and companies are on board – but more and more are.

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Image of: The Economic Case for Combating Climate Change
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The Economic Case for Combating Climate Change

Early movers on climate-change mitigation stand to reap the most economic gains.

Jens Burchardt, Philipp Gerbert, Stefan Schönberger, Patrick Herhold, Christophe Brognaux and Joonas Päivärinta Boston Consulting Group Read Summary
Image of: Technology Quarterly: Towards Zero Carbon
Article Summary

Technology Quarterly: Towards Zero Carbon

A new generation of renewable fuels is powering the fight to decarbonize Earth’s atmosphere.

The Economist The Economist Read Summary

It is increasingly becoming a high-profile problem if companies do not commit to conserving Earth’s resources and, above all, its climate, because economic growth and sustainability can now be technically combined in more and more places. So anyone who sleeps on this is damaging their reputation. And reputation is a currency that cannot be overvalued in times of talent crunch – if you have any questions, go back to point 1.

Image of: Climate Change

Climate Change

The industrial revolution was the starting point of an unstoppable increase in carbon emissions, which inevitably leads to global warming. Many scientists believe…

Open Channel

5. Working Less

For the vast majority of things, Iceland is way off the beaten track. That this can have advantages is proven by a project that would probably never have been tried out in a bustling large corporation or in London’s financial district: the four-day week for 1% of the workforce. And, as those responsible tell the BBC, with enormous success. The employees who took part in the pilot project are not only happier and healthier, they’re often more productive. Could it be that what seems impossible to many works not only in the implementation of hybrid working models – but also in general working hours? Unilever is also currently giving the concept a try, and other companies will follow.

Image of: What Really Happened in Iceland’s Four-Day Week Trial
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What Really Happened in Iceland’s Four-Day Week Trial

Learn the facts behind the celebrated Iceland study of reduced working hours.

Nicole Kobie Wired
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If you want to learn more about the subject, you can’t ignore the two classics in our library:

Related Summaries in getAbstract’s Library
Image of: The 4 Day Week
Book Summary

The 4 Day Week

How greater employee flexibility can save society, economies and the planet.

Andrew Barnes Piatkus Books Read Summary
Image of: The 4-Hour Workweek
Book Summary

The 4-Hour Workweek

Apply Tim Ferriss’s “DEAL” model to streamline your life and fast-track your success.

Timothy Ferriss Crown Read Summary

Whether you end up choosing four days or four hours: The fact that it makes sense to think about working time and how to plan it better – and not just at the employee end – is now undisputed. There are many ways to achieve a better, more balanced working life, so we’ve gathered some further information and help along the way:

Image of: Working Time Arrangements

Working Time Arrangements

Anyone with children, a relative in need of care, a long commute, a second gig or even a special hobby appreciates a less…

Open Channel

We wish you all the best!

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