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#gettogether: How to Manage Your Reputation

Do you ever feel like there is something holding you back – from that promotion, position or career opportunity? It could be because of a mismatch between how you perceive yourself and how people perceive you.

Season 2, Episode 4 of our #gettogether series Understanding People:

Sara Canaday, executive coach and author of You – According to Them and Leadership Unchained, joins the show to identify the most common “blind spots” we have when it comes to assessing ourselves. She explores how we can bridge the gap between our intent and impact, to grow and get ahead.

Date: TUE, MARCH 23; 5 p.m. CET / 12 a.m. CET
Host: Kirsten Müller-Daubermann

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2 We read and summarized 2 books with 370 pages for this article.
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