How to Support and Train New Leaders for Success

When Workhuman recently asked 1000 employees from a wide range of industries about their 2023 resolutions for themselves at work, the top responses were: “Get promoted / a raise” (47.7%) and “Find a new / higher paying job” (32.1%). So over half of employees would be willing to move up. More and more companies are also seeing the need to save money and nerves on recruiting, to offer new career paths to employees who are already on the payroll – combining the useful with the necessary when it comes to perennial topics like retention, motivation and professionalization. Or, as Kara Dennison put it in a Forbes article:
Upskilling has long been a goal for many employers, and 2023 will be the year leaders start taking internal mobility more seriously to keep retention strong.
However, what is essential and correct poses enormous challenges for HR and L&D departments. How are they supposed to train new leaders in a short period of time? After all, we are dealing with the equipment to be imparted from very different, complexly interlocked learning areas.
At AIER, they count 16 of them. But when you look closely, there are certainly more. We shed some light on this by splitting the three most essential sub-areas of leadership – self-leadership, people-leadership and leading an organization – and adding resources from getAbstract. As if from a menu, you can select or identify which topics and skills a new manager has already mastered, should master within the scope of their job, or where there is still a need to catch up.