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Make Virtual Training Effective

Moving learning online can be a win-win – when done correctly. 

Make Virtual Training Effective

The pandemic shifted training and learning online – for better and for worse. A recent white paper developed by getAbstract details some of the best practices that have emerged in the online learning space. These four steps will help you make learning effective for remote workers:

1. Keep It Short and Sweet

Staring at a screen is tiring. Day-long training sessions tend to be ineffective in a virtual work environment. Consider adopting a new learning format: Microlearning delivers brief and engaging learning content, ideally, in the flow of a person’s work:

Image of: Microlearning Short and Sweet
Book Summary

Microlearning Short and Sweet

The essential microguide to microlearning, from planning to design and evaluation.

Karl M. Kapp and Robyn A. Defelice ATD
Read Summary

2. Vary Your Tools

People have different learning preferences. Take advantage of a variety of tools that digital technology now offers: Design asynchronous online courses for self-study; organize instructor-led virtual classroom sessions; launch programs using virtual or augmented reality for real-world skills training; and use social networks for learners to share insights and advice:

Image of: Learning Technologies in the Workplace
Book Summary

Learning Technologies in the Workplace

New tools, technologies and attitudes support the workplace learner revolution.

Donald H. Taylor Kogan Page
Read Summary

3. Deliver Effectively

Keep people’s attention by delivering engaging training sessions. Appoint a producer to manage the technical stuff, and brush up on your online presentation skills. Adopt some of the best practices shared by public speaking experts Richard Mulholland and Riaz Meghji:

Related Summaries in getAbstract’s Library
Image of: 5 Tips for Delivering Zoom Presentations Like a Pro
Video Summary

5 Tips for Delivering Zoom Presentations Like a Pro

Prepare yourself for online presentations the same way you would for a live gig.

Richard Mulholland Missing Link Read Summary
Image of: Improve Your Virtual Speaking Skills and Engage Your Audience
Video Summary

Improve Your Virtual Speaking Skills and Engage Your Audience

Learn how to be authentic on camera.

Riaz Meghji Every Conversation Counts Read Summary

4. Maximize Engagement

To keep learners learning, they must be engaged. Solicit frequent feedback from learners to make the training as relevant and effective as possible. Use group chats and communication platforms to make online training as interactive as possible. Master the best practices of virtual facilitation described in the following guide:

Image of: Virtual Facilitation
Book Summary

Virtual Facilitation

Learning experts reveal the secrets of running effective virtual sessions.

Henrik Horn Andersen, Iben Nelson and Kare Ronex Wiley
Read Summary

For more detailed insights on making online learning effective, download getAbstract’s “Virtual Upskilling” guide and register for our Global L&D Knowledge Forum:

How to Master Virtual Upskilling

Moving Learning Online Can Be a Win-Win – When Done Correctly

  • Pick the right content
  • Choose appropriate delivery methods
  • Foster engagement


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2 min.
Reading time for this article is about 2 minutes.
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16 h
This article saves you up to 16 hours of research and reading time.
Researched Abstracts
5 We have curated the most actionable insights from 5 summaries for this feature.
2 2 Videos
3 We read and summarized 3 books with 794 pages for this article.
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