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#gettogether: How to Manage Your Time

Jeff Haden asked successful musicians, race car drivers, corporate leaders and athletes how they define tasks, sustain their motivation, and watch their small wins accumulate. Here are his insights.

Season 2, Episode 3 of our #gettogether series Understanding People: How many times have you wanted to take on a new project, learn a skill or make a change in your life, but felt you just “didn’t have the time”? Well, your confidence and motivation will grow as you create a list of the tasks you must do each day and work steadily to complete them. This positive combination is the road to reaching your goal; once it is part of your routine, it will appear in other parts of your life as well!

Jeff Haden, author of The Motivation Myth and contributing editor at Inc. magazine joins the show to discuss how you can successfully manage your time, discover where true motivation comes from, and create a life of meaning and success.

Date: TUE, MARCH 9, 5 p.m. CET / 11 a.m. ET
Host: Kirsten Müller-Daubermann

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The Motivation Myth

Motivation grows from small daily successes, not flashes of inspiration.

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1 We read and summarized one book with 288 pages for this article.
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