#gettogether: How to Manage Change
Season 2, Episode 10 of our #gettogether series Understanding People: Humans in the early 21st century are being forced to navigate change at a pace unrivaled in history: Massive disruption across the social, technological, political and environmental dimensions of our lives means that we are constantly trying to figure out how best to manage uncertainty. When resisted or managed poorly, not changing can cost companies billions, and means losing out on the development of precious human capital.
Change catalyst, executive coach and award-winning author, Campbell Macpherson joins the show to advise on how to identify unconscious barriers to change, get your team on board and craft an exciting vision for the future – so that change is seen not as a threat, but an opportunity.
Date: TUE, JUNE 15; 5 p.m. CET / 11 a.m. ET
Host: Kirsten Müller-Daubermann
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