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For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 6 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 848 pages, 2 articles and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1012 minutes (about 17 hours). Learn more.

What’s Important in 2021

2020 will go down in history as a lost cause. What can you do to prevent yourself and your organization from meeting the same fate in 2021?

COVID-19 has fundamentally changed our world and leaves us with a lot more questions than answers at the beginning of 2021: What will be the long-term effects of the pandemic? What exactly will it do to us? Will people stay in their home offices next year? It looks a bit like it. It is even quite possible that the only people still running around on the streets are Amazon delivery guys. The rest of us will stay at home, isolated from the real world and each other, and keep spending our days streaming, skyping, zooming, posting and liking something or other.

Image of: What Will the World Look Like After COVID-19?
Podcast Summary

What Will the World Look Like After COVID-19?

Bill Gates and Rashida Jones discuss COVID-19’s challenges and probable aftermath with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Gates Notes
Read Summary

For the first time in ages, we are not confronted with a concrete risk that we can get by with clear strategies. Instead, we are trapped in a phase of fundamental uncertainty. Nobody knows exactly what needs to be done next.

Over the years, I have given hundreds of speeches for enterprises. And no matter whether they were banks or pharmaceutical companies or mechanical engineers, all of them asked themselves the same questions: How can we make smart decisions in a complex world? What is really important? What is obsolete? How many questionable appointments are in my team? Am I one of them?

Our columnist Vince Ebert speaks at congresses, conferences and company celebrations in German and English on the topics of success, innovation and digitization. Here you can hire Vince Ebert as a keynote speaker for your event.

In 2021 these questions are more vital than ever. By the same token, the answers are harder to find than ever before. The general situation is not predictable, but very unstable and ambiguous. A highly unsatisfying scenario for leaders, considering their job description is to maneuver and organize complex systems. But then research shows us:

The more complex a system the more likely it is exposed to hazards and accidents.

Vince Ebert

A good friend of mine works in the risk-management department of a big insurance company. He is a total control freak, at work and in his private life: firewalls, antivirus programs, security alarm systems, insurances… you name it. When he came back from a business trip one day his apartment and his bank accounts had been raided. By his own wife.

So, what is it that we can do? How can we stay capable of action in times of complete uncertainty? First of all, I think it is absolutely essential for us to accept the fact that we have lost control over the world. The virus has taken over and there is nothing we can do about it.

Image of: Extreme Economies
Book Summary

Extreme Economies

Nine locales – some thriving, some failing – offer unique perspectives on economic resilience.

Richard Davies Bantam Press (UK)
Read Summary

My Motto for 2021 Is “Improvisation Beats Perfection!”

Meticulous planning and perfect prep-work are great tools for handling specific problems that come with a wrong or a right solution. But that is exactly NOT what we are dealing with at the moment. What is right today can be crucially wrong tomorrow. The smart thing to do right now is to improvise and try out new things instead of trying to develop the perfect plan.

The methods of the natural sciences are a good example of what I mean: Science is so successful because imperfect theories are developed which then get examined, corrected, perfected or, if need be, dismissed. This way innumerous innovations have come to light that nobody was looking for in the first place: Porcelain was discovered because alchemists were trying to fabricate gold. Scotch tape was originally planned as band aid. And Viagra began its career as a heart medication that male trial participants kept on taking, long after the testing phase was over. The scientific proof of resurrection.

Ever since I was a small child, I have enjoyed a playful trial period. When I was six, I used a magnifying glass to apply a gleaming hot sunbeam to the back of my father’s head. A whole team of medical experts tried for weeks to find out what the hell that little black dot was.

Vince Ebert

2021 should be the year of improvisation. We have to re-learn how to try out things and deal with imperfections in a constructive way, how to fail gracefully. Because, more often than not, great failures lead to great insights.

Image of: Business Resilience
Article Summary

Business Resilience

Learn the keys to building business resilience during the pandemic crisis.

Josh Bersin Josh Bersin
Read Summary

I learned this the hard way during my nine-month stay in New York City in 2020. I was performing at the local stand-up comedy clubs, basically a suicide mission: A German comedian who had studied physics, telling jokes about Georg Ohm, the founder of the German resistance. What could possibly go wrong? It was not my language, not my country and I had no clue of what awaited me on stage. I was left with only one option: to take a leap into the unknown and dive right into (probably very) cold water and improvise. That’s just what I did.

One time, I asked a couple in the first row, “How long have you two been together?” When the guy answered, “Dude, she is my sister!” I couldn’t quite understand what he was saying, so I asked back, “How cool! And do you have kids?” It was by far the biggest laugh I got that night.

For next year I wish all of us more courage when it comes to experimenting and improvising, no matter whether you are an employer or an employee. Take a risk every once in a while and give spontaneity a chance. Do something crazy every now and then! It doesn’t have to be anything big. Invite a Bernie Sanders fan to a tea party. Have a coffee-to-go while sitting down. Sleep with your own wife. Pee in a public pool. And if you are really daring, do it from the diving platform.

If we never do anything stupid or unconventional, we won’t accomplish anything fabulous either.

Vince Ebert

So here is to 2021: Let’s all have a Happy Brave New Year!

For further reading on the topic, Vince recommends the following from our knowledge library:

Related Summaries in getAbstract’s Library
Image of: Relax, It's Only Uncertainty
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Relax, It’s Only Uncertainty

Learn the eight specific behaviors leaders need to cope with ambiguity and change (and the eight that drag them down.)

Philip Hodgson and Randall P. White FT Prentice Hall Read Summary
Image of: Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty
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Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty

Ram Charan’s newest management book offers savvy advice on leading your business through recession.

Ram Charan McGraw-Hill Read Summary
Image of: Smarter COVID-19 Decision-Making
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Smarter COVID-19 Decision-Making

As the world panics over the COVID-19 pandemic, how can you remain rational and make the right decisions?

Cassie Kozyrkov Medium Read Summary

Photo: Frank Eidel

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