• Is Our Desire to Be the Best More Important than Our Mental Health?
    This 4 min. read saves you up to 5 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 226 pages, 2 videos and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 268 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
    Is Our Desire to Be the Best More Important than Our Mental Health?

    The world witnessed one of the most courageous acts of vulnerability in Olympic sports, and we should all take note. 

  • Top-Performance Advice from the Best of the Best
    This 7 min. read saves you up to 40 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 9 getAbstract summaries (8 books with a total of 1993 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2385 minutes (about 40 hours). Learn more.
    Top-Performance Advice from the Best of the Best

    A roundup of leadership advice from Olympic athletes

  • Great Expeditions
    This 9 min. read saves you up to 37 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 14 getAbstract summaries (7 books with a total of 1840 pages and 7 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2199 minutes (about 37 hours). Learn more.
    Great Expeditions

    Managing organization-wide change is daunting but the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

  • “Pettiness Costs a Lot of Time, Money And Morale.”
    This 12 min. read saves you up to 13 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 642 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 759 minutes (about 13 hours). Learn more.
    “Pettiness Costs a Lot of Time, Money And Morale.”

    Alex Alonso, chief knowledge officer at SHRM, on the hidden costs of workplace niggles, what disasters can result from borrowing Kleenex tissues from the neighbor’s desk – and how to prevent all that from happening…

  • Rough Landings
    This 2 min. read saves you up to 26 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 9 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 1268 pages and 3 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1520 minutes (about 26 hours). Learn more.
    Rough Landings

    What a year and a half of home office has done to our physical co-working skills – and how we’re relearning them.

  • The Pizza Margherita Method for Self-Fulfillment
    This 7 min. read saves you up to 17 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 829 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 988 minutes (about 17 hours). Learn more.
    The Pizza Margherita Method for Self-Fulfillment

    Lots of things in life go down the drain. Trite calendar slogans provided by self-help literature won’t help you cope. But what does?

  • Reading Boosts Your Performance. Seriously.
    This 8 min. read saves you up to 59 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 15 getAbstract summaries (11 books with a total of 2944 pages, one article, 2 videos and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 3525 minutes (about 59 hours). Learn more.
    Reading Boosts Your Performance. Seriously.

    The benefits of reading go beyond mere knowledge acquisition.

  • Are We Too Focused on Teaching Leaders to Lead Others…
    This 2 min. read saves you up to 33 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 1644 pages and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1971 minutes (about 33 hours). Learn more.
    Are We Too Focused on Teaching Leaders to Lead Others…

    …and not themselves first?

  • What Can We Do to Support Our Project Managers?
    This 3 min. read saves you up to 37 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 12 getAbstract summaries (7 books with a total of 1806 pages and 5 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2165 minutes (about 37 hours). Learn more.
    What Can We Do to Support Our Project Managers?

    Regardless of having the training to manage multiple projects, those who carry the title of Project Manager are still eager for continuous education and support from their organizations to achieve success in their position. 

  • Team-Building with “Yes, And…”
    This 11 min. read saves you up to 37 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (7 books with a total of 1830 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2185 minutes (about 37 hours). Learn more.
    Team-Building with “Yes, And…”

    Incorporate these improvisation techniques to build team trust, coherence and creativity.