• How to Support and Train New Leaders for Success
    How to Support and Train New Leaders for Success

    The current talent shortage causes employees to be promoted faster and more often. But how do HR and L&D leaders get them to adapt to their new jobs quickly – and healthily?

  • How to Lead Others
    This 7 min. read saves you up to 25 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 1249 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1492 minutes (about 25 hours). Learn more.
    How to Lead Others

    The demands of leading a team have changed radically in recent years. Time to relearn the basics.

  • How to Lead Yourself First
    This 5 min. read saves you up to 29 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 6 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 1417 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1696 minutes (about 29 hours). Learn more.
    How to Lead Yourself First

    You can learn all sorts of leadership things – but if a trained leader doesn’t know how to lead themselves, all gathered leadership insights will never be put to powerful use.

  • How to Lead an Organization
    This 11 min. read saves you up to 29 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (5 books with a total of 1417 pages and 2 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1690 minutes (about 29 hours). Learn more.
    How to Lead an Organization

    When you know how to lead yourself and others, you are ready to learn how to run entire organizations. Here are the key competencies you need to succeed.

  • “You’ll Be Surprised about the Cost Savings and the Motivation Boosts.”
    This 16 min. read saves you up to 15 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 5 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 760 pages, one article and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 896 minutes (about 15 hours). Learn more.
    “You’ll Be Surprised about the Cost Savings and the Motivation Boosts.”

    John W. Boudreau, co-author of Work Without Jobs, explains how internal talent marketplaces work, how and when companies set them up – and why they mitigate the current talent shortage.

  • “Demonstrating Empathy Is Half the Battle.”
    This 13 min. read saves you up to 5 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 256 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 295 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
    “Demonstrating Empathy Is Half the Battle.”

    People resist embracing new things for four fundamental reasons. David Schonthal, author of The Human Element, explains how to overcome change resistance and prevent friction clashes.

  • “Psychological Safety Will Not Just Bubble up Because People Talk about It.”
    This 14 min. read saves you up to 27 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (4 books with a total of 1360 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1618 minutes (about 27 hours). Learn more.
    “Psychological Safety Will Not Just Bubble up Because People Talk about It.”

    Alex Osterwalder, one of the world’s most influential strategy and innovation experts, is convinced that leaders need help changing the concept of psychological safety from head to toe – because he’s gotten some himself.

  • Top 5 AI Reads for L&D
    This 10 min. read saves you up to 23 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 7 getAbstract summaries (4 books with a total of 1139 pages, 2 articles and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1357 minutes (about 23 hours). Learn more.
    Top 5 AI Reads for L&D

    From the basics to specific applications, these books bring Learning Departments up to speed.

  • “Being a Good Hacker Is as Much About Understanding People as It Is About Understanding Tech.”
    This 20 min. read saves you up to 7 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 344 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 393 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
    “Being a Good Hacker Is as Much About Understanding People as It Is About Understanding Tech.”

    Geoff White, the author of Crime Dot Com, explains how cyber attacks play out and how to prevent them.

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    This 5 min. read saves you up to 62 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 10 getAbstract summaries (10 books with a total of 3089 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 3702 minutes (about 62 hours). Learn more.
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