Interview Highlights 2021

Biohacks – Ancient and High-Tech
Stress, in and of itself, is not a problem. It’s simply the body’s survival software. Health and performance coach Richard Sutton shares timely advice on how to prevent stress from overwhelming us. One key take-away: Press the reset button often with techniques such as breathing exercises or meditation.
Everybody can use one or the other recommendation on how to optimize their health and adopt better habits. Wellness guru Dave Asprey set about improving his own health and performance in a very systematic way, integrating new technologies. Hence, he is often referred to as the “father of biohacking.”
Dave Asprey brought the discussion of anti-aging medicine and ‘biohacking’ into the digital age. It’s a fascinating subject.
Caryn Hunt
From Workplace Niggles to Burnout
Michael was thrilled to see Jacinta M. Jiménez win the “Readers’ Choice Award” at the getAbstract International Book Awards last month. In their conversation, the author shared some additional background information that adds additional value to her excellent book, The Burnout Fix.
No other author left more of an impression on me this year than Jacinta M. Jiménez : I appreciated the way she took the time to have an in-depth conversation – and the professional way she handled critical questions.
Michael Wiederstein
The hidden costs of pettiness in the workplace was the subject of conversation in Michael’s memorable interview with SHRM’s chief knowledge officer, Alex Alonso. Michael was struck by how the conversation vacillated between moments of utter hilarity and disturbing seriousness.
On Obsession and Character
In US Special Operations, having the right people on your team can often mean the difference between life and death. That’s why Special Operations has become very skilled at identifying the best people based on character attributes. At a time when attracting the right talent has become an existential priority for many businesses, organizations have a lot to gain from copying some of the hiring practices of Special Operations. Learn more in Sara’s wide-ranging interview with Mike Sarraille and George Randle.
It’s been an honor to talk to highly experienced military veterans Mike Sarraille and George Randle. Our conversation drove home the point that nothing on your resume can make up for character.
Sara Küpfer
Management consultant Robert Bruce Shaw explains the obsessive behavior that sets superstar business leaders like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk apart from the rest, leading to companies with trillion-dollar valuations. He explains how obsessions come with a dark side too.
On Making Technology Work for People
Sara had a fascinating conversation with world-renowned collaboration expert Phil Simon. Phil shared insights on how to make different communication tools work in-sync and leverage the unique properties of each tool to make work processes more efficient.
I don’t use email the way I used to after talking with collaboration expert Phil Simon.
Sara Küpfer
Michael would never have thought that attention and focus guru Cal Newport would personally respond to an initial interview request. But Michael did think that Cal would schedule exactly half an hour – no more, no less – for their conversation. Cal masterfully packed everything worth knowing about dealing with excessive demands in the hybrid workplace into the 30-minute window! Cal’s insights will remain relevant for a long time to come.
On Corporate Responsibility
It’s frustrating as a non-lawyer to see deep-pocketed corporations seem to get away with murder, sometimes literally. Caryn’s wide-ranging interview with law professor and getAbstract International Book Award finalist professor John C. Coffee Jr. offers a thrilling glimpse into the cat-and-mouse game between big corporations and the prosecutors trying to hold them accountable for criminal behavior.
John C. Coffee Jr. ably explains the gargantuan task governments face in prosecuting corporate bad actors, and how they can implement changes to make sure justice is served.
Caryn Hunt
As people acknowledge the shortcomings of governments to face the climate crisis, they look more to what business can do. Sangeeta Waldron argues powerfully that no organization can ignore its impact, not just on climate, but also on worker and community. Younger employees, investors and consumers care a lot these days about what business does to make a better world. They want to be a part of making things better.
The team at the getAbstract Journal is grateful to all the authors who helped us put their books in context. We hope our readers benefited from their insights as much as we did.