For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 224 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 265 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“How Do I Prevent and Resolve Workplace Clashes?”
Yes, conflicts also occur at the fully digitized remote workplace – sometimes even more often and more severe. Here is how to deal with them.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 624 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 731 minutes (about 13 hours). Learn more.
“Lack of Competition Generates Hubris…”
…and unfortunately, this also applies to the economic system the world largely adopted and is now relying on: capitalism. The world’s leading inequality scholar, Branko Milanović talks about global income disparities, resurgent ideologies and the…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 232 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 263 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“When You Talk to People About Fairness, the Conversation Immediately Becomes Political”
Computer scientists Michael Kearns and Aaron Roth research how computer programs can affect our lives. Even when written without malice, algorithms have the potential to treat people unfairly or violate their privacy. How do you…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 876 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1043 minutes (about 18 hours). Learn more.
“That Normal Does Not Exist Anymore.”
As the world strategizes on what the “New Normal” should look like, Vlatka Hlupic argues that humane, social-minded companies will survive in the post-pandemic world. How can we become part of a company that is…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 18 getAbstract summaries (6 books with a total of 1646 pages and 11 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1973 minutes (about 33 hours). Learn more.
How the Pandemic is Accelerating Digital Transformation
The coronavirus pandemic and the need to avoid person-to-person interactions has pushed us further into a digital world. The crisis will have lasting effects on the way we work, do business and interact with each…
The Inventor of the World Wide Web Is Fighting to Keep His Vision Alive
If you think the internet has taken a few wrong turns, you’re not alone. Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1989, believed it could be a force for good. Idealistically, he gave…
Kai Strittmatter by Anton Turovinin (Piper Verlag)
“We Can No Longer Afford the Naivety When It Comes to China Under Xi Jinping”
The "Middle Kingdom" is back. But not the way one had imagined in the West: While the Chinese economy is growing, the freedoms of the population are dwindling, says China expert Kai Strittmatter.
Economist and bestselling author Richard Baldwin believes that many business leaders and politicians continue to grossly underestimate the impact of digital change. Here, he explains how to position yourself correctly in competition with “Globots.”
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