How Will Demography Change the Way We Live and Work With One Another?


Recruiting Millennial Talent

Image of: Bowling Alone
Robert D. Putnam

Bowling Alone

Robert D. Putnam's seminal book explores how America’s social decline began, why it matters and how to change it.

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Image of: Fast Future
David D. Burstein

Fast Future

Just who are the Millennials?

Beacon Press
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Image of: Imagining Refugia
Nicholas Van Hear

Imagining Refugia

Mass displacement has overwhelmed the international community – why not allow refugees to govern themselves?

Foreign Affairs
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Image of: The 21st Century Gold Rush
Malia Politzer and Emily Kassie

The 21st Century Gold Rush

Criminals and savvy businesspeople make millions off the plight of refugees.

Huffington Post Highline
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Image of: Nomadland
Jessica Bruder


Countless older Americans live in vans and other vehicles and travel to find seasonal employment.

W.W. Norton
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Image of: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
Shoshana Zuboff

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

“Big Other” is watching you and modifying your behavior.

Profile Books
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Image of: The World in 2030
Andrew S. Winston

The World in 2030

Nine current trends will come to define the world in 2030.

MIT Sloan Management Review
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Image of: The Inevitable
Kevin Kelly

The Inevitable

Twelve “trajectories” of technology are accelerating the world to “impossible” horizons.

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Image of: Digital Wars
Charles Arthur

Digital Wars

Step inside the battle for dominance among Apple, Microsoft and Google.

Kogan Page
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Image of: Global Risks 2035 Update: Decline or New Renaissance?
Mathew Burrows

Global Risks 2035 Update: Decline or New Renaissance?

Is the world headed towards a bipolarity marked by rivalry between the US and China?

Atlantic Council
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Image of: The Culture Map
Erin Meyer

The Culture Map

Wherever you are, doing as the natives do drives success in a global world. And when in doubt, watch and listen.

Public Affairs
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Image of: Fish Can’t See Water
Kai Hammerich and Richard D. Lewis

Fish Can’t See Water

Just as fish can’t see water, people are often blind to their own national and corporate cultures.

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Image of: Global Teams
Jo Owen

Global Teams

To succeed at globalization, businesses need efficient teams operating at their peak worldwide.

FT Press
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Image of: The Longevity Economy
Joseph F. Coughlin

The Longevity Economy

Business lacks preparation for an aging population and thus underserves a huge consumer segment.

Public Affairs
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…Your New Expectations!

Image of: Society


Here you will find summaries on all kinds of topics that have to do with our societies: trends, analyses, visions, challenges.

Zum Channel
Image of: Habits


When we repeat a behavior over and over, our brain forms a habit that grows stronger with every iteration. Eventually that behavior becomes an automatic routine. We often call this process “learning by doing.” This type of learning works for athletes and musicians, but it also works for business people. Professionals in any area can create habits to positively shape their life and career.

Zum Channel
Image of: Millennials


The Internet, smartphones, one great recession, the rise of flex-work, multiple housing crises and avocados on toast – Millennials have grown up in a time of rapid change and instability. Find out what this unique generation has to offer and understand what makes them tick.

Zum Channel
Image of: Environment


Human development and survival depends on the environment, including other organisms and non-living surroundings. For the time being, this is provided by Earth. But how are we treating our host planet? It’s clear that our activities reshape our environment – some even fear they may endanger our very existence as a species. So what are our plans for the future?

Zum Channel
Image of: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion are crucial aspects of every company's recruitment and retention strategy. Understanding DEI helps your employees work well together and creates a safe environment where ideas flourish.

Zum Channel
Image of: Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Your organization's culture – its shared beliefs and environment – shapes its success. Corporate culture is the vessel for your employees' engagement, productivity, motivation and collaboration. How can you make your culture real, authentic, meaningful and good – and how good can you make it?

Zum Channel
Image of: Intercultural Competence

Intercultural Competence

In the age of globalization, managers and other employees require cultural intelligence. How do you deal with people from different cultural backgrounds? What are the do's and don’ts of global and local etiquette? Learn how to avoid putting your foot in your mouth when working in, or with people from, different cultures.

Zum Channel
Image of: Agility


What worked nicely yesterday may no longer work today. Learn how to make your organization agile: Adapt rapidly to market and environmental changes in productive and cost-effective ways.

Zum Channel