Keep a Maximum of Doors Shut
Koni Gebistorf, Executive Editor /

How has the experience of working from home with kids during the coronavirus crisis been (so far)? Let’s say: It kind of works as long as I keep a maximum of doors shut between my desk and wherever Mina, my two-year-old, happens to be.
Tips for managing family and remote work: Every morning, discuss with your partner who’s responsible for looking after the kid(s), and when. Make a schedule and stick to it.
The change that helped the most: Getting the headset from the office. It’s oh so silent suddenly.
Favorite book to read with as a family: Some Wimmelbuch [picture books with detailed illustrations teeming with life]. With all the deserted streets outside, wherever you look, here at least we can see how life used to be.
One abstract that has helped you get through this challenge: Tony Hsieh’s article on his “yesterbox” technique. With no clear separation between work and private life, I find it tremendously helpful to know in the morning how much email there is to deal with.

This article is part of our Working from Home with Kids-series. Here you will find an overview of all the articles full of useful tips from the getAbstract work-life-educate-while-in-a-video-call-and-watching-one-of-those-new-live-sessions-play corner.