Set Boundaries!
Holli Addison, Account Manager /

How has the experience of working from home with kids during the coronavirus crisis been (so far)? We are adjusting. They are very self-sufficient and keep up with their distance learning on their own. Same with making lunch and finding ways to keep themselves entertained by FaceTime-ing with friends, etc. Luckily they have each other, which has helped immensely! The only thing I really have to get on to them about is getting some exercise. We call it “PE time” and they swim laps in our pool daily. Luckily in Texas it is already hot enough for them to be able to do this.
Tips for managing family and remote work: Something I am always working on is trying to set boundaries between the two. Having a home office means I could work around the clock too easily. I have to make a concerted effort to shut my office door at the end of my workday and focus on my family and having some downtime.
The change that helped the most: I really don’t feel like much has changed for me honestly – I have always worked from a home office so it is business as usual. Having my husband and daughters home with me changes things a bit, but nothing too drastic.
Favorite book to read with as a family: Since my girls are older, we really don’t do this anymore. But I can say that some of our old favorites were the Berenstain Bears books as they always had a good lesson to teach!
One abstract that has helped you get through this challenge: One of my all-time favorites is Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. It shares good advice on combatting stress including my favorite: exercise! It also gives some scientific reasoning behind how our bodies are designed to function and deal with stressful situations.