• Why Read Classics?
    Why Read Classics?

    We are asked this question again and again, especially by business customers. So, we’ll give the answer in a monthly column – and with one of the greats of literature.

  • Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash
    Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash
    Updating Skills: Is There a Generation Gap?

    Yes, there is. A new survey by getAbstract reveals the different learning approaches of Generation Zers, Millennials and Baby Boomers.

  • Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash
    Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash
    The Art of Retiring (in Time)

    But what if you’re only 26? Even better! Here’s why.

  • Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
    Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
    Books of the Year 2019

    Invisible women, 25 pairs of shoes, and the long-awaited end of unnecessary meetings – here are this year’s reading recommendations from different departments at getAbstract.

  • Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
    Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
    This 7 min. read saves you up to 41 hours
    For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 8 getAbstract summaries (7 books with a total of 2031 pages and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 2431 minutes (about 41 hours). Learn more.
    FOCUS: Best of 2019

    In diesem Jahr lernten wir bei getAbstract, wie man ganze Frösche schluckt, “Wachstum” ganz unpolemisch erklärt und dabei auch noch Optimist bleibt. Hier sind unsere Lieblingszusammenfassungen!

  • Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash
    Photo by twinsfisch on Unsplash
    How to Remain Professional at Your Home Office

    It’s an open secret that The New Yorker is one of our favorite magazines. Sometimes, however, the great articles are just the beginning of a learning path. For example, when it comes to the improvement…

  • Photo by Jannes Van den wouwer on Unsplash
    Photo by Jannes Van den wouwer on Unsplash
    IN THE MEDIA: Brexit and the UK’s “Most Important Election in a Generation”

    Britain made a choice that defines the next decade. The evergreen issue? Brexit! Here is what you need to know.

  • ROBERT CAPLIN/NYT/Redux/laif
    ROBERT CAPLIN/NYT/Redux/laif
    IN THE MEDIA: Paul Volcker and the End of Inflation as Our Parents Knew It

    Paul Volcker passed away on Sunday. How did he, as one of the most influential economists of the last decades, shape the economic history of the USA and the world?

  • Photo by Jorge Zapata on Unsplash
    Photo by Jorge Zapata on Unsplash
    Gut Feelings VS “Rational” Calculations

    Do years of individual experience overpower more sophisticated models of judging when it comes to real-world decision making?

  • The Opportunity Atlas
    The Opportunity Atlas
    How to Fix the American Dream

    Five years ago, the economist Raj Chetty proclaimed the end of the American Dream on the basis of the latest data on economic inequality. Now he wants to revive it.