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The Shortlist Is Here!

getAbstract announces the finalists of the 2021 getAbstract International Book Award

In 2021, the getAbstract International Book Award will be presented to one English-language title and one German-language title. It will be accompanied online by a series of interviews and the winners will be revealed on November 18. For the first time, the prize is endowed with a total of 20,000 euros.

The five finalists in the English-language category are:

Image of: The Burnout Fix
Book Summary

The Burnout Fix

Learn practices that foster resilience and prevent work burnout altogether.

Jacinta M. Jiménez McGraw-Hill
Read Summary

Jury Comment: “A most important topic of our time, this book provides an in-depth analysis and guide to avoiding burnout and succeeding on individual and organizational levels.”

Image of: Corporate Crime and Punishment
Book Summary

Corporate Crime and Punishment

Prosecuting white-collar criminals is difficult, but the law can punish and deter corporate misconduct.

John C. Coffee, Jr. Berrett-Koehler
Read Summary

Jury Comment: “A business book that reads more like a thriller, John C. Coffee, Jr. provides fascinating insights into the US legislative process that allows corruption and mismanagement among business leaders to go unpunished while corporations and employees are held accountable.”

Image of: Lead. Care. Win.
Book Summary

Lead. Care. Win.

Inspire people to follow your lead by embracing a relatable, humble and empathetic leadership style.

Dan Pontefract Figure 1 Publishing
Read Summary

Jury Comment: “Applicable advice on how to lead that people want to follow. A well-structured guide on core leadership principles with concrete examples on how to act with clarity and decisiveness in times of constant change. A 360-degree leadership bible.”

Image of: Noise
Book Summary


Wherever judgment exists, you will also find noise – and more of it than you think.

Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony and Cass R. Sunstein William Collins
Read Summary

Jury Comment: “An innovative approach to human judgment, recognizing and differentiating between noise and bias, and incorporating AI into predictive judgment.”

Image of: Return on Ambition
Book Summary

Return on Ambition

A successful career can, and should, go hand in hand with personal growth and fulfillment.

Nicolai Tillisch and Nicolai Chen Nielsen Fast Company Press
Read Summary

Jury Comment: “A universally applicable, engaging analysis of different aspects of ambition, and a guide to harnessing their potential for positive returns on personal and professional goals.”


  • The shortlist is the result of a cooperation between getAbstract and brand eins.
  • From the shortlist, the jury will select the winning titles.
  • The winners will be announced here on November 18, 2021. For the first time in the history of the award, prize money totaling 20,000 euros will be awarded.
  • Learn more about the selection process, criteria and jury here.
  • From October 15, 2021, readers can participate in the Readers’ Choice Award and select their favorite title from among this year’s nominees.
  • Further information on the getAbstract International Book Award Readers’ Choice Award will follow shortly. 
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5 We have curated the most actionable insights from 5 summaries for this feature.
5 We read and summarized 5 books with 1504 pages for this article.
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