getAbstract and Vertex Shine at CLO’s 2023 Learning in Practice Awards

The two companies are recognized in the ‘Excellence in Partnership’ category.

getAbstract and Vertex Shine at CLO’s 2023 Learning in Practice Awards

Earlier this month, we made a significant achievement – we’ve been named as Bronze winners at the Chief Learning Officer’s 2023 Learning in Practice Awards. More specifically, we’ve earned this honor in the ‘Excellence in Partnership’ category together with Vertex, a cutting-edge American biopharmaceutical company committed to rational drug design. Together, we’ve demonstrated our commitment to excellence and innovation in the world of learning and development.

So, what exactly does the ‘Excellence in Partnership’ category recognize?

It’s all about highlighting vendors that have played a pivotal role in helping their clients define a strategy or implement a learning and development program. In our case, it’s been about tackling some significant challenges:

  1. Reinforcing Vertex Core Competencies: We’ve worked closely with Vertex to strengthen their core competencies. By aligning our actionable knowledge with their core competencies, we’ve enabled them to stay at the forefront of their industry.
  2. Offering Universal Access to Learning: Learning should be accessible to all, and that’s exactly what we’ve achieved together. Our partnership with Vertex has made knowledge available to everyone within the organization.
  3. Helping Learners Fit Learning into Their Busy Schedules: In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for learning can be a challenge. But with our combined efforts, we’ve made it easier for Vertex’s busy professionals to engage with learning on their terms.

Our collaborative initiatives have delivered some impressive results. We’ve seen a six-fold increase in visits to the getAbstract platform, and the number of getAbstract users has doubled. It’s a testament to what can be achieved when like-minded organizations join forces to foster a culture of continuous learning.

“We’re honored to be recognized by CLO alongside our partners at Vertex. Together, we’ve not only addressed key learning challenges within their organization but have also set new benchmarks in fostering a culture of continuous learning.”

Renee DeChirico, getAbstract Account Manager

At the heart of this achievement is a commitment to learning and development

getAbstract and Vertex were proud to stand together as Bronze winners at the 2023 Learning In Practice Awards Ceremony, held at CLO’s Symposium on Monday, Oct. 16, in San Diego, California.

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October, 26 2023