Actionables by getAbstract Earns a Coveted Spot on Award Shortlist

Discover how Actionables by getAbstract is reshaping the landscape of microlearning and earning accolades along the way.

Actionables by getAbstract Earns a Coveted Spot on Award Shortlist

We’re beyond excited to share that our innovative microlearning platform, Actionables by getAbstract, has clinched a spot on the shortlist for the esteemed The Learning Awards in the “Learning Innovation Award (Platform)” category. This nomination not only highlights our platform’s unique approach to corporate learning but also celebrates its success in offering rapid, measurable, and effective knowledge application.

The Power of ‘Know-Do-Reflect’: Revolutionizing Learning

At the heart of Actionables is the transformative “Know-Do-Reflect” loop. Rooted in neuroscience, this learning design empowers users to swiftly apply expert insights and reflect on real-world experiences. By intricately balancing user engagement and content accessibility, we’ve crafted an environment where learning is not just a task but an engaging journey that challenges yet supports our users.

Measuring Success: Groundbreaking Metrics in Learning

Setting Actionables apart in the realm of microlearning is our pioneering approach to quantifying success. With innovative metrics like the Knowledge Application Rate and Input Quality Metric, we’ve redefined how ROI in learning initiatives is measured and valued. These metrics shine a light on the practical application and quality of learning, offering organizations new insights to gauge the effectiveness of their learning strategies. 

Transformative Outcomes and Client Perspectives

Our platform’s impact is reflected in its performance against key metrics. Significantly exceeding expectations, Actionables demonstrates its efficacy in providing quick, practical learning solutions.  

Darren Raveneau, VP of L&D at Chevron Federal Credit Union, praises the platform:

“Besides conveying content, Actionables offer an opportunity to reflect on the learnings and apply the skills afterward. People are asked to go beyond just consuming content and think through what they have learned, which makes learning more of an experience.”

Darren Raveneau, VP of L&D at Chevron Federal Credit Union

Karl Kapp, author of Microlearning Short and Sweet, gave his perspective on Actionables in a recent article: “I was delighted and pleasantly surprised to recently find… a microlearning tool called ‘Actionables’ from getAbstract… Not only do they create eLearning but they create it in a sequence that totally resonated with me.”

Product Manager Shantanu Garg shares his thoughts on this achievement: “Being shortlisted for this prestigious award is a testament to our team’s dedication and innovative spirit. It reaffirms our mission to redefine learning methodologies and make a real impact in professional development.”

Conclusion: A Platform that Reshapes Learning

As we eagerly anticipate the final award results in February 2024, we take pride in Actionables’ role in transforming the learning industry. It’s a testament to our ethos, “Know better. Do better,” and stands as a beacon of innovation, efficiency, and practicality in corporate learning.

Want to learn more about Actionables? Visit our website or try our Actionable “Learn Like a Pro.”

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November, 30 2023