One in five people are neurodivergent. Neurodiversity expert Maureen Dunne calls neurodivergence an “untapped resource” for many companies. In this interview, she explains why neurodivergent people make a company future-proof and what a corporate culture that fosters neurodiversity looks like.
Boards do not have to reinvent good AI governance. However, if they neglect the issue, they risk destroying the necessary success factor of any product or service: trust. AI expert Dominique Shelton Leipzig explains what needs to be taken into account.
In The Digital Coaching Revolution, professors Anna Tavis and Woody Woodward examined how rapidly digital coaching has developed. Now, they explain how the AI-powered coaching boom will unfold.
Economist R. Jisung Park has investigated the subtle effects of global warming and concludes in Slow Burn that even small temperature changes significantly impact learning and working behavior, productivity and equality.
Shelmina Abji, author of Show Your Worth, explains why deep relationships with superiors are crucial, especially for women who want leadership positions, how to create them – and what to do if they cannot be established.
A year and a half ago, Antonia McGrane filled and shaped a new People & Culture position at getAbstract. Now, Jacqueline Matter is following in her footsteps. Here, both long-standing Customer Success Managers explain how cost-sensitive yet effective employee development initiatives work and what will be important in 2024.
In many organizations, change initiatives burn people and millions every year – without any apparent positive outcomes. Greg Satell explains how to change this.
Human Resource Studies professors Dorien Kooij and Marianne van Woerkom offer insights on keeping older workers engaged and measuring the success of informal learning activities.
How do you turn dry data into compelling stories? And what do you need to pay attention to in order to find the common thread in your pile of figures? Storytelling expert Hans-Wilhelm Eckert explains.
And yet, argues bestselling author Michael Bungay Stanier, you can take preventive action to ensure that this doesn’t leave lasting damage. Here, he explains what matters in the process.
Co-leadership is becoming increasingly popular: Part-time leaders benefit from greater flexibility, productive synergies and higher motivation. Companies also use shared leadership as a recruitment, innovation and employee retention booster. Organizational development expert Petra Kneip explains what to consider when splitting positions.
Nelson Sivalingam, author of Learning at Speed, outlines the new AI-powered and adaptive L&D world, where learning professionals evolve from course creators to skill-builders and become valuable assets to employees and the business.
When it comes to psychological safety, there is a gap between understanding and implementation. Yet putting it into practice is not as complicated or time-consuming as many assume, say Minette Norman and Karolin Helbig, authors of The Psychological Safety Playbook.
But the answer is not quitting, writes Shana Lebowitz Gaynor in Don’t Call It Quits. She explains what anyone can do to revamp their own job into something more rewarding.
Author and Southern New Hampshire University President Paul LeBlanc wants institutions and organizations to refocus on who they are meant to serve: human beings.
Leadership development executive Kevin Wilde argues that learning how to accept feedback is more valuable than learning how to deliver it. Here are best practices and fascinating insights into his current research.
In his upcoming book The Digital Transformation Roadmap, author and business strategy expert David Rogers illuminates a calm path forward for organizations struggling with a constantly changing business environment.
John W. Boudreau, co-author of Work Without Jobs, explains how internal talent marketplaces work, how and when companies set them up – and why they mitigate the current talent shortage.
People resist embracing new things for four fundamental reasons. David Schonthal, author of The Human Element, explains how to overcome change resistance and prevent friction clashes.
Jana Eicher, EdContent Lead at getAbstract, explains what microlearning is and isn’t – and how getAbstract decided to move into the microlearning space.
Alex Osterwalder, one of the world’s most influential strategy and innovation experts, is convinced that leaders need help changing the concept of psychological safety from head to toe – because he’s gotten some himself.
Author and executive coach Alexsys Thompson explains how aligning your values and behavior will make you a more effective and resilient leader and team member.
In his new book, Bill Treasurer explains how to improve Leadership Two Words at a Time and why it pays off when leaders overcome their fears and ask for bold feedback from their teams.
Tom Ziglar, author of 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times, discusses why the “coach leader” gets results while the “T-Rex” leader is going the way of the dinosaur.
Brandon Carson, author of L&D’s Playbook for the Digital Age, believes L&D must focus on performance readiness and recognize the potential for on-the-job learning and development – especially in tough economic times.
More and more companies emphasize curiosity in the workplace. This is no surprise to Stefaan van Hooydonk, who considers curiosity a “growth mindset in action.”
Many are smart, productive, and motivated, but only a few employees make a significant difference for organizations. Liz Wiseman has investigated what sets these “Impact Players” apart – and how to become one yourself.
Accomplishing something that makes you proud starts with picking the right goal. Author and entrepreneur Michael Bungay Stanier explains the ingredients of a “worthy goal” and shares best practices for working toward it.
We’ve been told that we should look for purpose, joy and fulfillment in our jobs. But that claim is a fraud, says labor journalist and author Sarah Jaffe.
Trust is the lubricant of the new world of work, says Stephen M.R. Covey – but if you really want to bring your organization forward, you have to be an inspiring leader and put purpose into action. Here, he explains how to do that.
This 10 min. read saves you up to 9 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 456 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 538 minutes (about 9 hours). Learn more.
“Meditation Trains Your Mind.”
Author, coach and long-time meditator Giovanni Dienstmann explains why the benefits of a daily meditation practice go beyond relaxation – and how mindful awareness can help you realize your goals.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 320 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 376 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
“It’s Not an Evolution, It’s a Revolution”
getAbstract founder Patrick Brigger takes a look at the next horizon line to see the role artificial intelligence will play in business.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 852 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1005 minutes (about 17 hours). Learn more.
“This Process is Relentless and You Will Either Adapt or Die”
Robotic process automation repurposes older software technologies for exponential gains. Christopher Surdak, author of The Care and Feeding of Bots, offers a glimpse into the next wave of digital transformation.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 160 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 179 minutes (about 3 hours). Learn more.
“Mapped Perfection Is Often Not What Learners Want.”
How do you keep learners engaged in organizational training? Hadiya Nuriddin, author of StoryTraining, advises outstanding storytelling to become an attention magnet – a key facilitation skill in times of hybrid learning.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 256 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 294 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“It’s So Easy Now to Start Something”
Entrepreneur Angelica Malin offers sage advice for women contemplating their first start-up.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 280 pages and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 319 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Empathy Is One of the Most Incredible Superpowers.”
Gary A. Bolles, author of The Next Rules of Work and Chair for the Future of Work at Singularity University, talks about the declining shelf life of skills, ways to compensate for those losses –…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 12 getAbstract summaries (11 books with a total of 2980 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 3571 minutes (about 60 hours). Learn more.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 224 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 255 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“CSR Must Be Related to the Passion and the Purpose of the Company.”
Public Relations expert Sangeeta Waldron talks doing well by doing good in her latest book Corporate Social Responsibility Is Not Public Relations.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 224 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 261 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“The Way to Success Is Knowing Your Strengths and Using Them.”
Women are still passed up for promotion way too often, and men dominate the leadership levels in the workplace. Are hybrid work arrangements going to help level the playing field? Gill Whitty-Collins, author of Why…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 622 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 740 minutes (about 13 hours). Learn more.
“Stress Is Not the Enemy”
Stress is omnipresent – but it does not need to overpower you. Health and performance educator Richard Sutton shares science-backed strategies to build resilience and thrive in a tumultuous world.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 304 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 357 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Well-Being Doesn’t Just Mean Switching Off. It Is About How You Burn Your Light.”
Nicolai Chen Nielsen and Nicolai Tillisch explain how to make ambition work for you.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 496 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 586 minutes (about 10 hours). Learn more.
“You Must Make It Clear That You Really Want People’s Ideas.”
Leadership consultants Karin Hurt and David Dye explain what it takes to create a culture in which people speak up and know their leaders hear and value their ideas.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 616 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 712 minutes (about 12 hours). Learn more.
“The Prosecutor’s Role Has Been Minimized.”
In Corporate Crime and Punishment, John C. Coffee, Jr. offers a thrilling glimpse into the cat-and-mouse game between big corporations and the prosecutors trying to hold them accountable for criminal behavior.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 146 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 165 minutes (about 3 hours). Learn more.
“We’re Not Going to Eliminate the Chaos!”
Leadership expert and drummer Jim Boneau knows: Even in noisy and confusing conditions, you can find your rhythm – and that of your colleagues. That’s why the “Rumble Zone” is all about one thing: listening.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 720 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 843 minutes (about 15 hours). Learn more.
“Good Requires Motivation, Great Requires Obsession.”
Robert Bruce Shaw, author of All In, talks about the obsessions of some of the world’s most successful leaders, and the companies they built from those obsessions.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 304 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 347 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Burnout Is Insidious: It Sneaks Up on You, Gradually Gnawing Away at You Over Time.”
Jacinta Jiménez, author of The Burnout Fix, on prevention, treatment and reintegration in case of burnout – a topic that still too few people talk about or act on.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 642 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 759 minutes (about 13 hours). Learn more.
“Pettiness Costs a Lot of Time, Money And Morale.”
Alex Alonso, chief knowledge officer at SHRM, on the hidden costs of workplace niggles, what disasters can result from borrowing Kleenex tissues from the neighbor’s desk – and how to prevent all that from happening…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 224 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 262 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“We Need to Relearn How to Build Authentic Relationships.”
Leadership coach Maya Hu-Chan explains how an ancient Chinese concept can help leaders build the human skills necessary to thrive in today’s multicultural and multigenerational work environment.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 800 pages and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 949 minutes (about 16 hours). Learn more.
“Responding to Different Realities Is What Tribal Peoples Have Always Done in This Country.”
Shoshana Wasserman has worked all her life to increase native peoples’ visibility – the past 16 years alone by helping to make the First Americans Museum (FAM) in Oklahoma a reality. Yet, for many years,…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 11 getAbstract summaries (10 books with a total of 3276 pages and one video) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 3926 minutes (about 66 hours). Learn more.
“Mindfulness Is a Lifestyle.”
British psychologist Audrey Tang discusses how introducing small nuggets of mindfulness into your workday can lead to powerful changes over time.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (4 books with a total of 1239 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1469 minutes (about 25 hours). Learn more.
“The Growth Mind-Set Is Almost a Ticket to Entry to Becoming an Effective Learner”
Executive coach Matthew Smith, former CLO at McKinsey, opens up about simple and actionable learning practices that will make you an intentional learner in no time.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 251 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 297 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“It Helps People Communicate, It Helps Reduce Conflict, and It Helps to Drive Innovation.”
Simon Brown, author of The Curious Advantage and chief learning officer at Novartis, explains the superpower that lies dormant in all employees, but is organizationally discovered only in a few: Curiosity.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 288 pages and one podcast) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 342 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Agility Is Based on Human Skills.”
Global workforce management leader Barbara Jamelli-Sefchik talks about the importance of giving people the time and headspace to build resilience and agility.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 304 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 350 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Structure Begets Flexibility.”
We're drowning in emails, text messages, and more and more new collaboration tools. Cal Newport advises organizations to pull the emergency brake now.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 232 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 273 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“The Genie Is Out of the Bottle”
Co-founder of Centric Consulting and management expert Larry English on why “hybrid” work solutions – where employees work from home at least part time – are here to stay.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 611 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 730 minutes (about 13 hours). Learn more.
“Context Is the Kingdom”
Author and Human Resource expert Dave Ulrich talks about business transformation and what it means to be a learning organization.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 208 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 243 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“Virtual Learning Is a Great Equalizer.”
COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation in all areas, including the L&D space. Blended learning pioneer Jennifer Hofmann shares some of her experiences working with clients over the past year.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 242 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 281 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“Go Watch Your People!”
Donald H. Taylor on the results of the latest Learning and Development Global Sentiment Survey, and what matters now if you want to properly upskill and reskill in your organization.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 89 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 93 minutes (about 2 hours). Learn more.
“Being Open and Agile Is the One Vital Skill for the 21st Century”
Applicable Tricks That Help Navigate Disruption in the Workplace.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 224 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 261 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“People Thoroughly Underestimate the Importance of Body Language in Virtual Communication.”
The virtual work environment requires a new set of communication skills. Award-winning communication expert Richard Newman explains how to captivate an online audience.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 284 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 333 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Hybrid Work Structures Are Here to Stay”
Author and technology expert Phil Simon opens our eyes to the underused potential of new collaboration technologies that will make work processes more transparent and efficient.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 689 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 803 minutes (about 14 hours). Learn more.
“I Lived All That and I Turned It All Around.”
The “Father of Biohacking,” best-selling author and entrepreneur Dave Asprey, explores the cutting edge of anti-aging medicine.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 384 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 451 minutes (about 8 hours). Learn more.
“Technology Is Not the Real Problem Here.”
Relying on technology to communicate can leave us feeling increasingly disconnected from one another. Author and consultant Dr. Karen Sobel Lojeski developed a system to measure and mitigate Virtual Distance at organizations.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 336 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 399 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
“Up Is Just One Way to Grow.”
The best talent acquisition process won’t be of much use if you can’t keep the talent you have, says career development expert Beverly Kaye.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 239 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 278 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“Experience Tells People What You Did. Your Character Tells People Where You’re Going.”
In US Special Operations, having the right people on your team can often mean the difference between life and death.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 272 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 310 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“Sideways Is the New Up!”
Most organizations still assess employees' skills by looking at their current roles and job titles. Edie Goldberg and Kelley Steven-Waiss propose a tried-and-tested alternative.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 274 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 316 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“An Opportunity for Our Staff to Share Their Skills”
St. Andrew’s Hospice emphasizes its learning culture through Learning At Work Week. Lisa Tillison, Learning and Development Lead at the charity, explains why.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 243 pages and 2 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 282 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“You Have to Reach People Emotionally”
York von Heimburg has been working on the topic of virtual team leadership for many years. He knows what’s essential – and what mistakes to avoid.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 332 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 384 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
“For Creativity and Innovation, Life needs Time and Space”
Companies are living systems, says management expert Michele Holliday. Cultivate the right conditions for growth and the whole will be more capable than the sum of the parts.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 254 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 286 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“Your Level of Social Connection Affects Your Longevity”
Business author Michael Lee Stallard on how to maintain connections in our private and professional lives – and why the pandemic could improve our working relationships enormously in the long term.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 192 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 215 minutes (about 4 hours). Learn more.
“Make Sure You Have 35 Years of Experience. And Not One Experience Repeated 35 Times.”
Ken Allen, CEO at DHL, explains what executives will need tomorrow to be able to "deliver".
Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo / Photo by Bryce Vickmark/MIT/UPI/laif
This 16 min. read saves you up to 11 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (one book with a total of 541 pages and one article) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 634 minutes (about 11 hours). Learn more.
“In Times of Confusion, It’s Crucial That the Message Gets Through.”
Nobel Laureates Esther Duflo and Abhijit V. Banerjee on the surprisingly commonsensical nature of economics, and how COVID-19 will affect the global fight against poverty and the quality of economic policy.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 320 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 378 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
“Passivity Is Depressing, Activity Is Energizing.”
The doyenne of leadership experts, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, on the importance of advanced leadership in times of crisis, more diversity at the executive level, and the need to reinvent institutions.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 240 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 278 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“The Focus is ‘Enough’ Rather Than ‘More’”
The mainstream economics notion that unfettered growth accompanied by greater consumption and productivity benefits society is false, argues Rob Dietz, Program Director at the Post Carbon Institute.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 200 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 229 minutes (about 4 hours). Learn more.
“If a Diversity Expert Can Fail So Epically, Anyone Can.”
Tiffany Jana and Michael Baran on subtle acts of exclusion, how to recognize them, how to avoid them and how to deal with them proactively – on both sides of a conversation.
Lima city at lockdown on coronavirus pandemic in 2020 / Photo: Christian Vinces / getty
“Education Ministries Across Latin America Have Been Quite Creative.”
Learning loss, especially among the world's poor, is a major concern following months of school lockdowns. Yet new teaching tools and digital initiatives rolled out during the pandemic could benefit the cause of improving literacy…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 448 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 520 minutes (about 9 hours). Learn more.
“Our Level of Knowledge About China Is Not Sufficient”
China is systematically trying to expand its influence in the world. China expert Mareike Ohlberg – co-author of Hidden Hand – Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping the World – speaks of infiltration.…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 4 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 368 pages and 2 articles) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 426 minutes (about 8 hours). Learn more.
The World Post-Pandemic? It’s Not Going To Be What You Expect.
The “New Normal” has turned into the buzzword du jour. But is the world really going to settle into a new routine following the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic? Author and executive coach Paolo Gallo…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 304 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 358 minutes (about 6 hours). Learn more.
“It’s Up to the Users to Advocate for Change”
Has COVID-19-induced physical distancing made our unhealthy relationship with technology worse? Not necessarily, argues digital anthropologist and author Brian Solis. But the time has come for consumers to start demanding for technology that will help…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 2 getAbstract summaries (2 books with a total of 624 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 731 minutes (about 13 hours). Learn more.
“Lack of Competition Generates Hubris…”
…and unfortunately, this also applies to the economic system the world largely adopted and is now relying on: capitalism. The world’s leading inequality scholar, Branko Milanović talks about global income disparities, resurgent ideologies and the…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 232 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 263 minutes (about 5 hours). Learn more.
“When You Talk to People About Fairness, the Conversation Immediately Becomes Political”
Computer scientists Michael Kearns and Aaron Roth research how computer programs can affect our lives. Even when written without malice, algorithms have the potential to treat people unfairly or violate their privacy. How do you…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 876 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1043 minutes (about 18 hours). Learn more.
“That Normal Does Not Exist Anymore.”
As the world strategizes on what the “New Normal” should look like, Vlatka Hlupic argues that humane, social-minded companies will survive in the post-pandemic world. How can we become part of a company that is…
Jared Diamond, American historian and anthropologist, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and UCLA professor, playing piano in the living room of his home in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles; photo by Damon Casarez /Redux/laif
This 13 min. read saves you up to 32 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from 3 getAbstract summaries (3 books with a total of 1599 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 1906 minutes (about 32 hours). Learn more.
“We Lead the World in Science, and We Also Lead the World in Opposition to Science”
Jared Diamond, world-famous historian of societal crises and collapses, on why “denial” was and is one of America’s society’s biggest problems.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 184 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 216 minutes (about 4 hours). Learn more.
“People Who Don’t Feel Respected Will Not Want to Show Up Every Day and Contribute to Your Organization.”
A millennial herself, Crystal Kadakia provides globally relevant insight into her generation in her book, The Millennial Myth. Here, she shares some of her thoughts on how to attract millennial talent.
“You Can Watch the March of Ideas from the Minds of Economists and into Our Lives.”
After decades of free-market policies in the United States and Britain, working-class voters are in full revolt. In The Economists’ Hour Binyamin Appelbaum surveys the last half-century and sees an obvious path from the economics…
Efosa Ojomo, Clayton M. Christensen and Karen Dillon
“When the Foreign Aid Industry Primarily Focuses on Empowering Entrepreneurs, It Will Win the Fight Against Poverty.”
In one of his last interviews, economist Clayton M. Christensen, who passed away in January 2020, argues that only innovation can lift nations out of poverty.
“The Emergence of Liberty Is Perhaps Even More Surprising than Economic Growth.”
To get an idea of the political construction of the world of tomorrow, one has to travel back in time – sometimes a few thousand years. Renowned MIT economist Daron Acemoğlu talks about the making…
Kai Strittmatter by Anton Turovinin (Piper Verlag)
“We Can No Longer Afford the Naivety When It Comes to China Under Xi Jinping”
The "Middle Kingdom" is back. But not the way one had imagined in the West: While the Chinese economy is growing, the freedoms of the population are dwindling, says China expert Kai Strittmatter.
In his book Open to Think, Dan Pontefract offers strategies for cutting through the clutter, thinking more clearly and making better decisions. His prescription: be more deliberate with your time.
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 400 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 473 minutes (about 8 hours). Learn more.
“Public Attention Is Not Awarded Rationally. It Has To Be Carried by a Story”
In his new book, economist and Nobel laureate Robert Shiller argues that he and his fellow dismal scientists need to look beyond the usual data point: Stories are what really drive decisions to spend, save…
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 320 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 371 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
“Access to Much Greater Intelligence Will Be a Step-Change in Our Civilization”
Leading computer scientist Stuart Russell on the major breakthroughs towards the first human-level AI, its foreseeable economic and social effects – and the risks of massive pullbacks on the way.
Economist and bestselling author Richard Baldwin believes that many business leaders and politicians continue to grossly underestimate the impact of digital change. Here, he explains how to position yourself correctly in competition with “Globots.”
Denise Hearn and Jonathan Tepper /
This 7 min. read saves you up to 7 hours
For your knowledge advantage, we put together the most actionable insights from one getAbstract summary (one book with a total of 320 pages) on this topic. If you did this work yourself, you would be busy for at least 377 minutes (about 7 hours). Learn more.
“When Piketty said returns on capital are high and only go higher, I thought he was wrong”
Income inequality within nations has increased steeply since 1980. This fact has become widely accepted as an elemental “flaw” of capitalism. Economists Denise Hearn and Jonathan Tepper disagree and give a different explanation: where there…
To Thrive In Modern Economy, Forget Doing Things the Old Way
During his business career, Lars Kolind was group chairman of Grundfos, the world’s largest manufacturer of water pumps. It might sound like a staid business, but this role led Kolind to groundbreaking epiphanies.
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